What this BLOG is all about ...

Paris is one of the most photographed and photogenic cities on the planet. With a little pocket camera I arrived to record my first ever visit. Converting my prints to digital, and despite scanning at the highest resolution available, the imperfections of these shots became more obvious. I decided to use post processing software to sharpen them, with even sadder results ... and then I applied a watercolour filter. The almost impressionist results were magic. Judge for yourself.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Paris - Liberté Egalité Fraternité - 8me

Plate LXXVII Liberte Egalite Fraternite  
On my way to find the Elysée Palace I passed this doorway.
I cannot recall the address, or exact location, and certainly do not know what lay beyond its gates, but the inscription above it brought back every memory I have of that rallying cry of the Révolution - Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité. It is small unexplained details like this about the city that fascinate me, and every street in the older parts of Paris has its own rewards. I could happily wander for days discovering and pondering the origins of them
Even today this simple three word phrase remains a noble aspiration for citizens of every society. I put it up there with the 1960’s dream of the Age of Aquarius!!!

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