What this BLOG is all about ...

Paris is one of the most photographed and photogenic cities on the planet. With a little pocket camera I arrived to record my first ever visit. Converting my prints to digital, and despite scanning at the highest resolution available, the imperfections of these shots became more obvious. I decided to use post processing software to sharpen them, with even sadder results ... and then I applied a watercolour filter. The almost impressionist results were magic. Judge for yourself.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Paris - The Camera

Le Little Camera

We are moving house!
It’s not that I thought you would find that news particularly interesting, but as we continue the great clearout of accumulated but unnecessary clutter, my wife came to me with a small black object she had found in a back alcove of our writing bureau.
“Do you want to keep this?” she asked me - for probably the fiftieth time this day. She was waving a small black object in the air, but from the first floor gallery landing where I was sorting through old filed papers I could not be sure what it was.
Without really looking up from what I was doing I simply replied, “If it’s yours, you decide, if it’s mine dump it on the ‘maybe pile’ and I’ll get to it later.”
“I do think you should take a look now – you could be pleased to see it again.”
The giggle in her voice suggested that maybe I actually could be, and so I came down the stairs.
There on the dining room table she had placed a little black plastic case. It had been my constant companion during the days of my Paris visit, 'it' was “le little camera” that I thought had long since gone to a charity shop. This is the device I had used to capture all the images on this blog. (Why not go to the first entry and start your Paris visit now?)
I opened it up and once again pressed the shutter button. Of course it had no spool (I don’t think you can still buy suitable film cartridges) but just hearing once more that familiar sound as the shutter briefly opened and clicked closed and I was decided. 
Some items are simply worth so much more than their intrinsic value
 “I want to keep it.”